Progress Profiles來自義大利,擁有用於安裝地板和牆壁的模組化系統,超過 32 年的研究和開發應用於市場上最先進的材料和技術,以及與建築和室內設計領域專業人士的合作,使 Progress Profiles 能夠創造出結合高性能和現代風格的獨特解決方案。我們的企業團隊不僅覆蓋義大利,還多達全球 70 個國家。位於北美、中東和大洋洲的三個子公司是我們全球業務的神經中樞。我們也定期積極參與該行業的頂級國際展覽。我們竭盡全力透過積極與新客戶接觸並尋求新的擴張機會來促進義大利的卓越發展,以表達我們對成長的不竭渴望。
Profoil是 Progress Profiles 設計的聚丙烯防水膜,用於解決滲透問題。它是另一種多功能膜,兩側採用彈性無紡聚丙烯織物,具有良好的牆壁附著力。它非常適合地板、牆壁和高濕度空間(如浴室、三溫暖)、廚房以及永久接觸加壓水的地方(如游泳池)的防水。靈活且易於安裝適用於室內和室外高架地板,確保實用、穩定和完美的安裝,以及快速的施工時間和持久的效果。
PROSHOWER SYSTEM is an innovative system that combines functionality and design to provide a wide range of solutions for your next shower project. Modern design styling, easy installation techniques it includes: PROFOIL waterproofing membrane, for an easy and lasting waterproofing; PROSHOWER PANEL waterproof shower base which guarantees a perfect slope and reduces the working time; the profiles of PROSHOWER PROFILE LINE to finish the outer edge of the shower tray and hold the shower glass, last but not least PROSHOWER BASE / BASIC available in many sizes and with several grids in stainless steel of contemporary design.
Proshower是一款革命性的系統,聚集功能性和設計融為一體,提供了多種創新和原創的解決方案;單一應用可以覆蓋整個淋浴空間,以確保前所未有的美學效果。Proshower 擁有最高品質的組件和飾面。
- PROFOIL 防水卷材,實現輕鬆持久的防水
- PROSHOWER PANEL 防水淋浴底座,確保完美的坡度並減少施工時間
- PROSHOWER PROFILE LINE 的型材,用於完成淋浴盤的外邊緣並固定淋浴玻璃
- PROSHOWER BASE / BASIC 不銹鋼集水槽排水管道系統,耐腐蝕,5 種不同長度、 6 種飾面格柵可供選擇
「High density moulded polystyrene panel」 for shower trays. The panel, with a size of 120 x 120 cm, is waterproof and has a slope of 2%. The centimeter grid allows precise cutting to the desired size and the insertion of any drain of the PROSHOWER BASE DRAIN and PROSHOWER DRAIN BASE ECO line.
用於淋浴間的「高密度模壓聚苯乙烯面板」該面板尺寸為 120 x 120 公分,防水且坡度為 2%。可以精確切割成所需尺寸,並插入PROSHOWER BASE DRAIN和PROSHOWER DRAIN BASE ECO系列的任何排水管。
PROFOIL 彈性聚乙烯防水膜,兩側都有不織布塗層,可在基材上提供良好的抓力
PROFOIL is a blue waterproof 0.5mm thick polyethylene membrane laminated with synthetic felt fabric that secures it with the adhesive sealant. It is particularly recommend for waterproofing floors and surfaces in moist environments, such as shower cubicles, laundry rooms, and Turkish bath cabins covered with ceramic and/or mosaic, to prevent transmission of moisture and water. PROFOIL is also an elastic membrane that can withstand small movements that may occur between the substrate and the floor/covering. It is easy to lay simultaneously with the flooring/covering, using normal tile sealant.
PROFOIL 是一種藍色防水 0.5 毫米厚的聚乙烯薄膜,層壓有合成毛氈織物,並用黏合密封劑將其固定。特別建議用於潮濕環境中的地板和表面防水,例如淋浴間、洗衣房和覆蓋陶瓷和/或馬賽克的浴室,以防止濕氣和水的傳播。PROFOIL 也是一種彈性薄膜,可以承受基材和地板/覆蓋物之間可能發生的微小移動。使用普通瓷磚黏著劑,很容易與地板/覆蓋物同時鋪設。
PROBAND 150/250 防水捲材
PROBAND 150/250 is a waterproofing elastic polyethylene ribbon with polypropylene nonwoven on both side that guarantees high adhesion to the support.
PROBAND 150/250 是一種防水彈性聚乙烯絲帶,兩面均帶有聚丙烯不織布,可確保對支撐物的高附著力。
PROBAND FIX 基於矽烷封端聚合物的濕氣固化黏著劑
A silane terminated polymer based moisture-cured sealant for high adhesion, waterproof and elastic sealing of BROBAND and PROFOIL, and for sealing PROBAND to door and window frames and metal sheeting.
PROBAND FIX is a silicon based moisture-curing sealant with high adhesion and elasticity. PROBAND FIX is used to waterproof and seal the bond between PROBAND and PROFOIL, for junction of PROBAND at fixtures and sheet metal in general.
一種基於矽烷封端聚合物的濕氣固化黏著劑,用於 BROBAND 和 PROFOIL 的高附著力、防水和彈性密封,以及用於將 PROBAND 密封到門窗框和金屬板上。PROBAND FIX具有高附著力和彈性。PROBAND FIX 用於防水和密封 PROBAND 和 PROFOIL 之間的黏合,一般用於 PROBAND 在固定裝置和金屬板處的連接。